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English-Hindi > white eye

white eye meaning in Hindi

white eye sentence in Hindi

white    सफेद कपड़ा सफेद
eye    फंदा आँख लक्ष्य
1.Now his success depended on how he looked through white eyes.

2.It has a solid white eye ring and white wing bars.

3.They have white wing bars and an inconspicuous white eye ring.

4.I can remember her huge white eyes looking at me.

5.In 1978, a particularly brutal incident vilified him in white eyes.

6.Eclipse males resemble females, but retain the white eye.

7.There is a yellowish supercilium which joins the interrupted white eye ring.

8.It has a faint white eye ring and faint white wing bars.

9.A large, dark ibis with white shoulder patches and white eyes.

10.Its face is grey with a prominent white eye ring.

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How to say white eye in Hindi and what is the meaning of white eye in Hindi? white eye Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.